Rama Smaranam Jnana Darshanam


Telugu | Talks-6 (mp3 Audio)

SKU: RA01 Category:

This series was taught by Pujya Acharya in the year 2014 at Cleveland, Ohio,USA.  Pujya Acharya presents one perspective of Ramayana that proves highly beneficial for a spiritual seeker. These highly pragmatic lectures communicate to us what is really intended to learn from the story of Lord Rama. . He emphasizes on the central theme of these lectures with this statement – Respect the Knowledge and Respond to Life. In accordance to this theme, while bringing in the incidents from Lord Rama’s life with slokas from Valmiki Ramayana and Eka Sloki Ramayana, Pujya Swamiji deals with some unique topics like #The importance of Pilgrimage #Dispassion vs. Depression #The four stages of Spiritual Growth #The central theme of Yogavasishta  #Patience and Attitude