“The teachings of Gita have universal relevance, not tethered by the limitations of Space and Time, they represent the Human Philosophy.”
– Pujya Acharya Vachaspati Sri Prem Siddharth ji
In these discourses delivered on the occasion of Gita Jayanti 2019, Pujya Acharya Vachaspati Sri Prem Siddharth ji unequivocally establishes the universal relevance of the message of Gita in addressing our dilemmas and disheartenments.
Srimadbhagvadgita is a paragon of the peerless genius of Sri Vyasa Bhagawan as it encapsulates the timeless wisdom of the Vedas in a few slokas. This series of discourses present a bird’s-eye view of the Context, Content and Conclusion of this masterpiece. Pujya Acharya introduces the unique context in which Srimadbhagavadgita was taught. An unsurpassed archetypal Hero, Arjuna; stricken by a seemingly unsolvable quandary, on the brink of a colossal war, leaves the Gandiva bow. Pujya Acharya interprets this powerful metaphor to expose our disheartened state of mind when we face the dilemmas in our lives. Gita teaches us how to overcome these dilemmas and emerge victorious.
The discourses are filled with invaluable teachings on:
#Positive-Thinking #Hope-Confidence-Determination #Addressing Mental Noise #Expectations vs. Exceptions #Inner Instability #Functional Identity vs. Fundamental Reality #Life – Vision vs. Action #Explanation vs. Answer #What is Productivity? #God – Definition & Depiction #Mechanics of Materialism #Divine Vision #Atheist-Theist-‘Heist’ #Saranagati – Why? to How? #I.A.M the answer!…
Highly Recommended for Everyone