Sri Krishnabalaleela Prasangam – Trunavarta Vadha & Vishwambhara Leela


Telugu Talks-19  (mp3 Audio)

SKU: BV10 Category:

Pujya Acharya Vachaspati Sri Prem Siddharth ji delivered these discourses during the Sri Krishnashtami Jnana Yagnam 2019.

Using the allegories of Trunavarta Vadha and Vishwambhara Leela episodes from the 10th Canto of Srimadbhagavatam, Pujya Acharya unfolds the progression of spiritual aspirants from Vishayaakara Vrutthi to Akhandaakaara Vrutthi.

These discourses will help us understand the true nature of Bhakti and the pivotal role it plays at every step of our spiritual journey.

Some of the important aspects in these discourses are:

 #3-fold expression of Vishayaakaara Vrutthi #What is Chintanam? #Bhagavadaakaara Vruthi #5-sadhanas for Bhagavadaakaara Vruthi #5-advantages of Katha Shravanam #Discovering the Grace in Mahatmas’ Anger #Destroying the Asuras in us #Bhagavan as a Child – Teaching #Being Sumati and Becoming Sanmati #Adversity of Hyperactivity #How does Desire debilitate? #2-types of Desires  #Religious Materialism #Realizing our Helplessness #Discovering Contentment #Saying NO! #Nourishing Bhakti…

These discourses will delight the Bhagavata Bhaktas

Highly Recommended for Everyone.