On the occasion of Navaratri 2017, Pujya Acharya Sri Prem Siddharth ji, delivered these discourses on this sacred Rig Vedic hymn. This short Vedic hymn is filled with significant instructions on the attitude of the Sadhaka for holistic progress. The highlight of these discourses are the various connotations of the word “Shraddha” and its myriad relevant interpretations as revealed by Pujya Acharya Swamiji.
Some of the topics that are discussed include the following:
#Etymology of Veda #What are Rk mantras? #Exhaustive Technical definitions of “Shraddha” #What is Jnanam? #Discovering Reality #World – Reality or Imagination? #Validity of Sense Organs #From Faith to Shraddha #What are Fundamental Means of Knowledge? #Significance of Neerajanam #Will Vedanta hinder transaction? #3-aspects of Shraddha #Shabdata Pramana & Arthata Pramana #Shraddha & Karma #Shraddha & Saranagati #5-types of Agni #3-types of Sadhana #Danam-Tyagam-Sanyasam #Classification of Devatas #Types of Shraddha #Passion & Compassion…
Highly recommended for those interested in Vedic teachings and Hindu Religion. This will delight the seekers of Upanishads and Vedanta.